Camped at Curtis Creek Friday and Saturday nights. This is a sweet camp site in spite of the visits from Curtis. The bears were fed well thanks to JC, a lover of wildlife, he's too humble to show his face.
Long haul up to this point.
The first big downhill of the day and this is what we found around every turn. Time to turn around and go another way.
Our fall back trail required us to climb a little bit more but all things considered, that was totally acceptable. Some sweet trail.
Is he thinking "this time next week I'll be riding that new Kona 29er" or is it "I'll tell him I need to pick up the 29er and then I can get back to Cary early Sunday and catch the start of the game"?
We rode back up to the Parkway and headed to Heartbreak.
Johnny Calhoun showing us how he is going to do it during the Great Divide Race. Try it again.
Sunday morning more bacon, eggs, and off to ride up to the parkway again. Going solo today. On the way some different scenery. The uphill is worth it when you get to scout rapids like these. This stuff is off the hook! After a long climb.There is still more climbing. With views like these, the uphill and hike a bike is well worth it. some technical difficulty required some hike a bike but the day was still a huge success. It was an excellent weekend. Are those deraileur hangers in yet?