Late Spring 2024 in Florida. Thanks Diane


This was another great visit with Diane. I never thought I would love Florida so much but Diane has introduced me to so many great places and has been the best hostess.

I had never had any interest in Florida before I met Diane. Over the years I had been twice but was not impressed. Diane really opened my eyes to the possibilities. The paddling potential alone is so diverse from salt water with an incredible amount of wildlife to crystal clear freshwater springs, also teeming with wildlife. The water quality of the ocean is also impressive compared to what I had seen in the past. Especially in Key West but the water from Indialantic and Sebastian Inlet areas are shades of blue that I did not know existed.

 I'll be going back in October 2024 and plan to stay for a month. Some of my favorite places over the last years with Di have been the Keys, Sabastian Inlet, Crystal River, Hermosassa River and springs area. Of course the entire Brevard County area: Indialantic, Cape Canaveral, and Cocoa Beach. 
My next trip I will do more touring kayaking in Sebastian as well as some paddling/exploring south of there from the Round Island Beach Park, close to Ft. Pierce. I also hope to do some fishing if time allows. I'm excited to spend more time on the water and explore some new places.


 One Day At A Time

Things have been rough lately but as stated in the title: one day at a time. 

I know that losses and gains are realities for everyone - it's the definition of the human condition, it's how we handle them that define us. It would be easy to be bitter or sulk over our losses. I don't think anyone should live like that - it's not healthy. 

My recent losses: my oldest sister Susy, my dog Felix, a friend I have had since 15, a kayaking friend, relationships, etc. We all have them, and we should all be aware that we will deal with more and more as we age but of course, knowing this doesn't make it any easier... 

The way I plan to move forward is by making the most out of each day, treating people with due respect and working on myself. 

I still have a full-time job until October 15, 2024. I feel fortunate to continue to have that paycheck coming in until then and that I have had gainful employment for all these years - both with the current company and the one I left over 25 years ago. Since 1986 I have had gainful employment with only a few weeks of vacation every year. That is about to change. This doesn't mean that I will never have another full-time job or that I know what to expect, that's part of the allure. 

Honestly, I don't know if I will ever have a full-time job again and if I do what it will be, only time will tell. I do know I am going to focus on some things that I think will be harder to do the older I get. I'm currently 59 and like everyone else, not getting any younger. My goal is to become the person I want to be and my road to get there is not an easy one, but I think the pay-off could be immense. In my case both mentally and physically. 

On July 3, 2022, I had my last alcoholic beverage. Coming up on my 2-year alcohol free anniversary in a few weeks, I think it was probably one of the best decisions of my life. I had stopped drinking at 40 and then started up again at 45. I could say that I wish that I had not started drinking again but that is the past and I have tried to learn from my mistakes. It was definitely not an easy habit to break. I tried a few times before it took hold.

I really enjoyed the brewery lifestyle. I compared going to breweries to adult theme parks and I still have a lot of the brewery swag - fun times. I'll always have memories of the good times - ups as well as a few memories of the downs (hangovers and drunkenness) during those 12 years. Along the way there were valuable learning experiences - "that's life". One more way that I will continue to "Ramblin' On" - but with some purpose...

After 10/15/24, my last day of employment, I will be changing my lifestyle. With minimal income I will attempt to make the most of what I have, and I feel I do have a lot (I don't mean monetary or physical belongings, more along the lines of Peace, Love and Happiness (thanks to G. Love & Special Sauce for the definition)). 

10/15: the date when I will have a lot more time on my hands - Goodbye 6 to 4. The date I will also have a huge shift of priorities.

My ongoing to-do and "Focus On" List:

Cut extra expenses i.e. streaming services.

More exercise.


Read more.

More time outside.

Cooking and eating as healthy as possible.

Work on my goal towards minimalism.

Road trip.

Pick & Grin.

Breathe and "smell the flowers".

Take pictures.

Make and savor memories.


Cherish life and nature.

This is an active list, and I will update it on-going...

ODAAT ;<))

Lower Heartbreak Ridge - A Great New Trail


    This pic is from Heartbreak proper.
So many great views on Lower Heartbreak. They did a great job and I loved the