Friday at the Watagua: 2 runs with Dave, these boofs were for June, RIP.

I brought my bike in case I needed to do a solo run and bike the shuttle but luckily Dave was available to paddle. We did the first run with Will and Bradley. The Second run we paddled with Margret and Ricky. It was an awesome day. The first run actually felt warmer than the 2nd. It was windy most of the day and the clouds were rolling through all day long but ocasionally the sun would sqeeze through and really brighten things up. Thanks to Dave for letting me carry his camera on the 2nd run, and e-mailing the pics to me, we managed to get some good shots. It was a beautiful fall day at the Watagua:
Dave at Hydro
Ricky Blizzard

What I posted before Dave e-mailed the pics to me and I slept a few times:
Clare Ann and I went to see G Love and Special Sauce in Asheville with Johnny Calhoun and Jen Thursday nite then when I got home at about 1:30, I checked some levels, Watagua was 320ish and I already had a vacation day scheduled. Not much of anything else looked like it was going to run but the rain hit all the right areas and the Watagua had gotten a nice bump. After a few hours of sleep, I was up and packing the gear. Luckily Dave was available. We took his camera on the second run and he is planning to e-mail me some photos. The fall colors were really starting to cook up in the high country. The level felt like about 250 cfs.
Oh yeah and the G Love show was great.
Amos' Epics