Two runs on the Watagua at a great level. A fall day in the high country. It was 42 degrees when I got to the river and 42 degrees when I left.

I headed up to the Watagua early and dropped the boat at the put in hoping to find someone at the takeout to hook up with for a couple of runs. Luckily I met up with Adam and his crew from Charlotte and they got me back to the put in and were ok with me joining their group. A very nice group of guys. They had a few more guys waiting at the put in for a total group of 7. I paddled down with them to Hydro. Alex and crew started passing the Charlotte crew at Hydro. Adams group was pretty big so I jumped in with Alex. We picked up Will and Michael for the second run. I think Alex was the only one of us that ended up with three runs at the end of the day. What a great level!
Dave Simpson
Will at Hydro on the second run:
Chris with a little trouble: Back on track:
Amos' Epics