Green Run then 26 miles at Dupont State Forest

A most excellent day indeed. A run on the Green at about 8" then 2 great rides at Dupont.
I met up with Steven, Woody, and Tom at the takeout at about 10:00. We met Mike Huggins at the put-in. The temperature was incredible. I didnt even consider pogies. Tom coming off the boof above.

Steven about to take off.
Woody at the bottom of Groove Tube.

Mike Huggins "in the groove" running Groove Tube.

I got an 8 mile ride in with Steven at Dupont. Almost all trails I had never ridden before. There is some sweet single track out there. We didnt see another mtber the entire ride. After the 8 miler with Steven I waited for about 45 minutes then Johnny Calhoun and Chris aka Crankee, aka The Crankee Yankee showed up to take me on a second tour of Dupont east. The wait gave me time to fuel up, stretch, and clean up my bike. We rode a very little bit of the same trail as I had with Steven but mostly it was more new trail to me. The 29ers:What an amazing place to ride. I love the "slick rock of the east". Thanks to Steven, Chris and JC for showing me a lot of awesome new trail and some incredible sights. That made for a helluva day. Believe me, I felt it the next day - and it felt good!
My ride stats:
Total Time: 5 hours 28 minutes (this includes the hour+ well spent between riding with Steven and starting the second ride with Chris and JC)
Moving Time: 3 hours 31 minutes
Total Distance: 26.2 miles
Elevation Gain: 6,989'
Average Speed: 7.4 mph

Amos' Epics