Heartbreak Ridge: in spite of an erroneous weather forecast, it's all good

The forecast was maximum .1" and very scattered - they were wrong. It wasnt raining when I left the Glen Alpine but it was raining most of the 30 minute drive to Curtis Creek. At 7:15 a.m. I met up with Josh who had not ridden Heartbreak before. Josh had just drove an hour and a half for his first Heartbreak Ridge run and I didnt feel like bagging on the ride I had recomended so highly to him. I quickly described the trail composition / options and we decided to go for it, we could always turn around on the long climb up Curtis Creek if the weather got out of hand. It was a wet ride but a good ride. The climb up was a little soupy and the down hill demanded respect but it was all well worth the effort.

Post ride slop. Jarrets Creek rd was a little sloppy by the time we hit it.
Distance: 28.8 miles
Total time: 4:57 Moving time: 4:23
Elevation gain: 8,870'
Avg speed: 6.5 mph

Amos' Epics